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Chairwoman Marijke Clabbers visited Guinea from December 19th 2006 until January 3rd 2007. This time she was accompanied by her son Nard and his girlfriend Mirre. It was a short visit but Nard and Mirre really wanted to visit Centre Nimba and they could only manage the time off during their Christmas holidays.

They were very happy with how they found the centre and the things that already have been achieved. The visit of Madam Marek’s son was of course a good reason to party! The students performed a play for us, made music, danced and sang, all in honour of our visit.

The former pupils, as always, came to visit Marijke. They were very glad to hear that we have now rented a workshop-cum-studio for them, with the aid of the Liliane Fund. Before long they will be able to work and sell their own products in the Nimba shop.